Repeat Medications
For specific occasions, such as University holidays, we might be able to issue you with a larger supply of any repeat prescription medications. The best thing to do is plan ahead and speak with us. Alternatively you can write to us to request a repeat prescription as long as you enclose a stamped addressed envelope for its return. Please ensure that you also note your contact number in case we have a query.
Need to see a doctor
If you need to see a doctor whilst you are staying away then you can register at a GP practice local to where you are staying as a temporary resident. When seen as a temporary resident the GP will only deal with any urgent medical matters. Your temporary GP might not have access to your medical records so might have limited knowledge about you.
If you only have a medical query you are welcome to book a telephone consultation with one of our team. If they feel that you should be seen in person however then you will need to either register as a temporary resident at a GP near to where you are staying, or travel back to Northampton.