How we use your information

Information that we hold about you is medically confidential and is only used within the NHS to support the care that you receive, not just by the practice but also any service that we refer you to such as a hospital.  No one else has access to your healthcare records without your consent, not even your family, except in very limited circumstances where we have a legal duty to do so.

Further details about how the NHS manages your information can be found here.

Summary Care Record

Within the NHS a scheme known as the Summary Care Record exists.

The record provides essential information about you and your health including the medicines that you take and any allergies that you might have.  Your summary record is available for access by any healthcare professional who might be involved in treating you in an emergency to assist them in providing you with safe and effective care.  They will always ask your permission to access this information unless they are unable to do so, for instance if you are too unwell.

When you register at the practice you will be offered the opportunity to opt out of the summary care record.  Existing patients, unless you have already opted out, are automatically opted in.  You can change your mind at any time and opt out.

Children under the age of 16 automatically have a Summary Care Record created unless their parent or guardian opts them out.

Further information about the Summary Care Record is available here.

If you wish to opt out, please contact Moulton Surgery for further information.

Care Data

It is important that the NHS, can use certain information to plan and improve services for all patients. The NHS would like to link information from all the different places where you receive care, such as your GP, hospital and community service, to help it provide a full picture. This will allow the NHS to compare the care you received in one area against the care you received in another, so it can see what has worked best.

Information such as your postcode and NHS number, but not your name, will be used to link your records in a secure system, so your identity is protected. Information which does not reveal your identity can then be used by others, such as researchers and those planning health services, to make sure we provide the best care possible for everyone.

You have a choice. If you are happy for your information to be used in this way you do not have to do anything. If you have any concerns or wish to prevent this from happening, please speak to practice staff or look at the following:

Please ask our Patient Services team for an opt out form.